Academic freedom and precarity in the global North : free as a bird - Oxon : Routledge , 2023 . - 167 pages - Routledge advances in sociology .

The chair : a short history of structural unfreedom, anti-democracy, and disenfranchisement in German academia / Britta Ohm -- What is tenure? / Lisa Cerami -- Disability studies as a subaltern discipline / Colin Cameron -- Living on the edge : continuous precarity undermines academic freedom but not researchers' identity in neoliberal academia / Ana Ferreira -- Academic freedoms of fixed-term researchers in Italy : aggravating occupational precarity / Giuseppe Acconcia -- Disappearing freedoms : on intersections of career and labor in Nordic countries / Dan Vesalainen Hirslund -- 'Our university is exploiting us' : migrant students in the UK, the global pandemic and the nexus between marketized higher education and border controls / Sanaz Raji -- Academics stuck in movement amidst precarity, hypermobility and vulnerability / Georgiana Turculet.


--Academic freedom--Teaching, Freedom of--Education, Higher--Research--College teachers


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