Aufgabe: number 8 / guest edited by Matvei Yankelevich - Brooklyn, NY: Litmus, 2009. - 319 p.

Russian poetry & poetics guest edited by Matvei Yankelevich, with translations from the Russian by Thomas Campbell, Thomas Epstein, Keith Gessen, Peter Golub, David Hock, Yuliya Idlis, Christopher Mattison, Max Nemtsov, Eugene Ostashevsky, Natasha Randall, Stephanie Sandler, Simona Schneider, Zachary Schomburg, and Matvei Yankelevich

Edited by Julian T. Brolaski, E. Tracy Grinnell & Paul Foster Johnson with contributing editors Jen Hofer & Nathalie Stephens

Diane Ward, Two Poems
Kimberly Lyons, Three Poems
François Turcot , Ten Times My Hand on the Table (Nathalie Stephens, trans.)
Karen Weiser, Two Poems
Ari Banias, Vacuum
............ (Dolores Dorantes and Jen Hofer, trans.)
Phil Cordelli, Feverfew
Corina Copp, from Looking for the Object that Is Ballast in My Head
Matt Reeck, Three Poems
Nathan Austin, from in very Variant
Elisabeth Whitehead, roads
Akilah Oliver, from The Putterer’s Notebook: An Anti-Memoir
Geoffrey Detrani, Two Poems
Sarah Gridley, Two Poems
Damaris Calderón, from Hard to Gnaw (Dolores Dorantes and Jen Hofer, trans.)
Laura Sims, Four Poems
Tyrone Williams, Three Poems
Rachel Levitsky, Evidence or Sign
Tim Peterson, Two Poems
Xochiquetzal Candelaria, Memory From a Bone Sample
Inti García, The Bougainvilleas (Román Luján and Brian Whitener, trans.)
Paula Koneazny, Two Poems
Eduardo Milán, From Book Title Here (Garrett Kalleberg and Laura Solórzano, trans.)
Miles Champion, Where to Write
Suzanne Jacob, The Seven Windows (Nathalie Stephens, trans)

Essays, Notes, Reviews
Edited by Julian T. Brolaski

Dana Ward, Singing in Cincinatti
Jasper Bernes, The New Prehistory: Kevin Davies’ The Golden Age of Paraphernalia
Nathalie Stephens (Nathanaël), Untitled
Paolo Javier, Batman That One
Catherine Mavrikakis, Virility, a Close Shave? (Nathalie Stephens, trans.)
Alan Davies, Notes for erica While Reading Civilization Day and Censory Impulse
Kimberly Lyons, Studying Studying Hunger
Noah Eli Gordon, Review of The Cosmopolitan
Trish Salah, After Cissexual Poetry: Thinking Trans Figures and Feminist Poetics Now
Margaret Ronda, The Hunger Patient


Russian poetry



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